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101 easy trivia questions that everyone can answer

Quiz yourself with this roundup of fun and easy trivia questions for kids and adults alike.
Test your knowledge with these easy trivia questions and answers.Liudmila Chernetska / Getty Images

Put on your thinking cap, because it's time to find out how much you know on topics like history, food, animals geography, math, entertainment and pop culture.

Whether you're a general knowledge buff or simply enjoy learning interesting facts, you've come to the right place, because we've gathered a comprehensive collection of easy trivia questions and answers to help you brush up on your skills.

Use these simple queries to prepare for trivia night at the local pub or to quiz the kids on their way to school. Either way, you'll find that a majority of these prompts are easy enough for most everyone to answer.

For example: Who was the first president of the United States? The answer, of course, is George Washington. How about this one: What is the capital of France? That would be Paris. And this: What national holiday always falls on the first Monday in September? It's Labor Day, which falls on Monday, Sept. 1 this year.

We're confident you guessed the answers to all of those questions correctly, so why not continue down the list of trivia questions and answers to see if you can ace them all?

Consider it a warm-up or an appetizer, if you will, for the queries found in more traditional trivia questions challenges. That's because this Q&A is all about common topics that just about everyone is familiar with, including Taylor Swift, basic geography, easy U.S. history facts, science trivia and oh-so-much more.

So, settle and get ready to tally up the points, because with this fun collection of easy trivia questions, everyone is bound to be a winner.

Easy trivia questions with answers

Easy Trivia Questions
  • Which freezes faster, cold or hot water? Answer: Hot
  • How many stars are on the American flag? Answer: 50
  • What is the fastest land mammal on earth? Answer: The cheetah
  • What color is the Statue of Liberty? Answer: Green
  • According to folklore, what do you find at the end of a rainbow? Answer: Gold
  • What television show features the characters Big Bird, Cookie Monster, Elmo and Oscar the Grouch? Answer: “Sesame Street”
  • Marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers are common ingredients in what popular treat? Answer: S'mores
  • What large spark of electricity in the air often accompanies thunder? Answer: Lightning
  • Who was the first president of the United States? Answer: George Washington
  • Dressing in costume, carving pumpkins and trick-or-treating are all components of what holiday? Answer: Halloween
Easy Trivia Questions
  • What mythical animal looks like a white horse with a giant horn in the middle of its head? Answer: A unicorn
  • What children's book series revolves around a man in a yellow hat and his very-inquisitive monkey? Answer: “Curious George”
  • Which DC Comic superhero flies an invisible jet and uses a golden lasso of truth to get criminals to confess? Answer: Wonder Woman
  • Who was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean in 1932? Answer: Amelia Earhart
  • What is the square root of 16? Answer: Four
  • How many days are in a week? Answer: Seven
  • In soccer, which body part can't touch the ball? Answer: Hands
  • What is the capital of France? Answer: Paris
  • “Golden Arches” is the nickname for what popular restaurant? Answer: McDonald's
  • What state can the Mount Rushmore National Memorial be found? Answer: South Dakota
Easy Trivia Questions
  • Which sport involves standing on a board to ride ocean waves? Answer: Surfing
  • What weapon do Jedi Knights use in “Star Wars”? Answer: A lightsaber
  • What British king is often associated with the Knights of the Round Table? Answer: King Arthur
  • Who painted the Mona Lisa? Answer: Leonardo da Vinci
  • What do you call a group of geese? Answer: A gaggle
  • What English soccer player was the first to win league titles in four countries? Answer: David Beckham
  • What is the most popular pizza topping in the U.S.? Answer: Pepperoni
  • Mike Wazowski and Sullivan are characters in what 2001 movie? Answer: “Monsters, Inc.”
  • What is the currency in Japan? Answer: The yen
  • What is the biggest planet in our solar system? Answer: Jupiter
Easy Trivia Questions
  • What singer-songwriter goes by the nickname “Queen Bey?” Answer: Beyoncé
  • What word means occurring twice a week? Answer: Biweekly
  • El Capitan and Half Dome are attractions at what national park? Answer: Yosemite
  • Who pioneered the iPhone, iPad and the MacBook? Answer: Steve Jobs
  • Which artist painted the roof of the Sistine Chapel? Answer: Michelangelo
  • What's the world's largest living bird? Answer: The ostrich
  • What national holiday always falls on the first Monday in September? Answer: Labor Day
  • The moon's gravitational pull influences what ocean force? Answer: The tide
  • What frozen dessert is typically made from milk or cream, sugar and flavoring such as chocolate or vanilla? Answer: Ice cream
  • What is the largest fish in the ocean? Answer: The whale shark
  • What is the smallest continent in the world? Answer: Australia
Easy Trivia Questions
  • What white marble mausoleum in India is considered one of the world's greatest architectural achievements? Answer: The Taj Mahal
  • How many legs does an octopus have? Answer: Eight
  • What instrument has a bridge, frets, tuning pegs, strings and a body made of wood? Answer: A guitar
  • What book and movie series revolves around a young wizard, his friends, Hermione and Ron, and the evil Lord Voldemort? Answer: Harry Potter
  • If John has a cake with eight pieces and he gives away four, how many pieces of cake are left? Answer: Four
  • What are the colors of the rainbow? Answer: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet
  • What Kansas City football team has won four Super Bowls? Answer: The Kansas City Chiefs
  • What is the capital of Italy? Answer: Rome
  • Which of these animals has spots: A leopard or a tiger? Answer: A leopard
  • Which artist painted “The Starry Night”? Answer: Vincent Van Gogh
Easy Trivia Questions
  • Who recorded the songs “Blank Space” and “Cruel Summer”? Answer: Taylor Swift
  • Who invented the light bulb? Answer: Thomas Edison
  • How many reindeer does Santa Claus have? Answer: Nine
  • This popular Thanksgiving side dish is usually mashed, but can also be baked, scalloped or fried. Answer: Potato
  • Which colonial silversmith is remembered for his midnight ride? Answer: Paul Revere
  • What iconic San Francisco suspension bridge is painted International Orange? Answer: The Golden Gate
  • Ringo, Paul, John and George are all members of what legendary rock band? Answer: The Beatles
  • What winged-cherub is commonly associated with Valentine's Day? Answer: Cupid
  • Which body part is responsible for sensing smell? Answer: The nose
  • What do you call a baby kangaroo? Answer: A joey
Easy Trivia Questions
  • What civil rights' activist delivered the “I Have a Dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial? Answer: Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • In what month does Independence Day fall? Answer: July
  • Who was the first person to walk on the moon? Answer: Neil Armstrong
  • Used to pick up food, what utensil is held between the thumb and fingers can be commonly found in Asian countries? Answer: Chopsticks
  • The pyramids, Sphinx and Nile River can all be found in what country? Answer: Egypt
  • What insect produces honey? Answer: The bee
  • What popular flower is known for having prickles or thorns? Answer: The rose
  • Nashville is the capital of what state? Answer: Tennessee
  • Which ocean separates North America and Europe? Answer: The Atlantic Ocean
  • What April holiday is traditionally devoted to pulling pranks and tomfoolery? Answer: April Fools' Day
Easy Trivia Questions
  • What hobby requires yarn and two needles? Answer: Knitting
  • LeBron James is considered one of the greatest players of all time in which sport? Answer: Basketball
  • What civil rights' activist refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus? Answer: Rosa Parks
  • The Eiffel Tower is found in what country? Answer: France
  • What venomous snake flares out its neck in the shape of a hood when threatened? Answer: The cobra
  • Which gymnast is the most decorated in World Championships history? Answer: Simone Biles
  • What sport is also known as table tennis? Answer: Ping Pong
  • Green, white and Darjeeling are all types of what? Answer: Tea
  • The United States declared its independence from Britain in what year? Answer: 1776
  • What vegetable is known for making people cry when it's cut? Answer: The onion
Easy Trivia Questions
  • Who's the winner of the very first American Idol? Answer: Kelly Clarkson
  • In weather, frozen rain that turns into ice as it hits the ground is known as what? Answer: Sleet
  • What is the only flying mammal? Answer: The bat
  • On Easter, what kind of animal is said to deliver baskets of eggs and candy to children? Answer: A bunny
  • What does U.F.O. stand for? Answer: Unidentified flying object
  • What company developed the Xbox 360 game console? Answer: Microsoft
  • What actor-wrestler is known as the "Rock?" Answer: Dwayne Johnson
  • How many stripes are on the American flag? Answer: 13
  • Who recorded the first all-Spanish record to reach No. 1 on the Billboard 200? Answer: Bad Bunny
  • What Broadway show and movie feature the characters Glinda and Elphaba? Answer: “Wicked”
Easy Trivia Questions
  • Which common insect is reputed to bring good luck? Answer: The ladybug
  • What November holiday recognizes the contributions of U.S. servicemen and women? Answer: Veterans Day
  • How many stars are on the American flag? Answer: 50
  • Is the tomato a fruit or vegetable? Answer: Fruit
  • The Kentucky Derby is what kind of sports event? Answer: A horse race
  • What is the largest hot desert in the world? Answer: The Sahara
  • What gas is typically used to inflate balloons? Answer: Helium
  • What kind of doctor treats animals including dogs and cats? Answer: A veterinarian
  • What is the most best-selling book of all time? Answer: The Bible
  • What fairytale character married a prince after he found her glass slipper? Answer: Cinderella
  • What do you call the calm, circular center of a hurricane? Answer: The eye