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Planet TV Studios to Feature Dr. Daniel C. Allison in New Frontiers Episode Airing March 15th 2025 on Bloomberg. The content in the episode is a Planet TV Studios Original and it is brought to you by and sponsored by Planet TV Studios

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Planet TV Studios proudly serves as the exclusive sponsor of the New Frontiers series. Dr. Daniel C. Allison in New Frontiers Episode March 15th on Bloomberg Television.

LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES, March 14, 2025 / -- Planet TV Studios is airing an incisive look at transformative medical technology on Bloomberg Television this Saturday, March 15th, 2025, from 5:00 to 5:30 pm ET. The program, part of the New Frontiers series and aptly retitled "New Frontiers: Highlighting Emerging Technologies", offers an in-depth exploration of advancements that are reshaping medical science.

At the center of this episode is Dr. Daniel C. Allison, MD, FACS—a board-certified orthopedic surgeon whose work in musculoskeletal oncology and complex skeletal reconstruction has consistently pushed the envelope in surgical innovation. Dr. Allison has not only led as Assistant Director of Orthopedic Oncology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and Co-Director of Pediatric Orthopedic Oncology at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, but he has also developed procedures that have markedly improved patient outcomes. His unparalleled work includes being the first in Southern California to perform osseointegration implant surgery on a lower extremity amputee, a procedure that has opened new avenues for mobility and quality of life for those facing limb loss.

The episode further dissects Dr. Allison’s contributions to surgical technology. His role in the development of innovative implant systems—such as the Patriot Trans-Femoral and Trans-Tibial Osseointegration (OI) Implants, the Proximal Tibia Endoprosthetic Implant, and the Tribute Minimally Invasive/Bone Preserving Hip Arthroplasty Femoral Stem—cements his status as a transformative figure in orthopedic oncology. His research, which continues to influence the field through its publication in leading medical journals, underscores the relentless pursuit of improvement that defines modern medicine.

Adding a layer of engaging narrative to the technical discourse, the program welcomes back Gina Grad, the renowned radio personality, author, and podcast host celebrated for her work on The Adam Carolla Show and her children’s book, My Extra Mom, which helps kids understand and cope with blended family dynamics. Grad’s return infuses the episode with her signature authenticity and knack for turning intricate topics into compelling storytelling, ensuring that viewers not only grasp the significance of these medical advancements but also appreciate their tangible impact on patients’ lives.

The New Frontiers episodes are currently scheduled to air on Bloomberg Television. Additionally, the series will be accessible on-demand through platforms such as Amazon, Vimeo, YouTube, Roku, Tumblr, X, Brighteon, Facebook, Rumble, Dailymotion,, Newsbreak, and more.

New Frontiers remains dedicated to demystifying the work of the innovators driving the future of medicine, technology, and industry. Following its live broadcast, the episode will be available on-demand, extending its reach to a global audience eager to witness firsthand the strides being made in orthopedic surgery.

For more details on Dr. Daniel C. Allison, MD, FACS, please visit

For further information about New Frontiers and Planet TV Studios, visit or contact Christian Alain at 888-210-4292 x100 or via email at

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Planet TV Studios
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